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UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are 12 in the world.

UNICEF also took part in the effort, providing pamphlets with the IDD message and iodine testing kits. 联合国儿童基金会会参加了这项工作,提供有缺碘症资讯的小册子以及测试碘的器材。
UNICEF has been working on tsunami relief and recovery in eight countries since the tsunami struck. 联合国儿童基金会自海啸发生以来一直在为受灾八国进行着灾后援助和重建工作。
UNICEF is willing to maintain and further strengthen its technical support to partners at the field level, in developing worktable, local specific and cost effective strategies. 联合国儿童基金会愿意保持和进一步加强对基层项目合作伙伴的技术支持,其中包括制定工作时间表,以及符合地方实际的、投入成本和产出效益合理的各项策略或规划。
UNICEF said it has yet to reach an estimated 120,000 children in Pakistan's mountainous north, and about 10,000 of those could die of hunger, hypothermia and disease within a few weeks. 联合国儿童基金会称巴基斯坦山脉以北有大约120,000名儿童,其中约10,000人在数周内可能因为饥饿,寒冷以及疾病而死亡。
UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, will work with Family Health International. UNICEF是联合国的儿童基金组织,将与美国家庭健康国际共同合作。
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are 12 in the world. 世界现有12件罗丹的雕塑品。
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I've heard that some people are concerned, and I just think, Well, I'm going to come, and, you know, nothing's going to stop me. 我听说有一些人是很关心今晚的盛典的,但是我只是想,我将要来参加,没有什么是可以阻止我的。
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: So let's say this was Oscar night, and I was a celebrity, and there was an actual threat. This is what is likely to happen. 所以我们可以说今晚是奥斯卡之夜,过去我也是名人并且过去在我身上的确发生过危险的事件。而今晚类似事件有可能再次发生。
UNIFIL then would hand over control to Lebanese forces within 72 hours and help them deploy, according to a draft of the Lebanese plan that CNN obtained. 联合国观察团在72小时内将统治权移交给尼巴嫩并根据尼巴嫩的计划草案(CNN所获悉)帮助他们部署兵立。
UNIMATIC DRUCKLUFT FLUESSIGKEITSTECHNIK GMBH offer to you Pneumatic components and Hydraulics elements in addition also Info on Gas springs. 公司提供气体弹簧、气压减振和弹簧以及座位范围内的可行性方案。
UNION, Mo. (AP) — The woman who authorities say slashed the throat of a young mother and then stole her baby was charged Wednesday with kidnapping and assault and ordered held on $1 million bond. 美国密苏里州协会(附加保险费)-当局负责人说那个划破年轻母亲喉咙并偷走小孩的嫌疑人已经在星期三被控绑架和袭击,并命令她出100万元保证金.

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