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One thing I know, that is I know nothing.

One thief informed against the others. 一个小偷告发了其他的同夥。
One thin piece of bread has 90 calories. 一薄片面包有九十卡路里。
One thing I am happy about today's game is that role players were more disciplined and did not jack up a lot of shots. 今晚的比赛有一件事我倒是挺开心的,那就是全队都变的那么的有纪律,不再有那些没头没脑的跳投。
One thing I enjoy about shooting the breeze,because you can relax and say anthing you want to ,you are among friends and nobody talks thing seriously. 我很喜欢聊天,因为你可以很放松,想说什么都行。你是和朋友在一起,没有人会很认真的。”
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I could simply meet the expectations of my passengers. 有一件事我深信不疑,想在这个行当中做得好,只要满足乘客的期望就行了。
One thing I know, that is I know nothing. 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。
One thing about lupus has long been clear: the autoantibodies that are its hallmark contribute to tissue damage in more than one way. 关于狼疮,科学家长久以来就清楚一项事实:狼疮的特徵是自体抗体,而这些抗体可经由许多方式造成组织损伤。
One thing after another interferes with your travel plans. If you choose to go anyway, proceed with caution. 出游计划连番受阻。如果你仍选择前往,千万谨慎行事。
One thing at a time. 做事一心一意。
One thing at a time. Don't want to get the cart before horse. 我们得一件一件来。你不可能急于求成。
One thing has to be remembered, Tara: man can only go forward; there is no way backward. 特拉,必须记住一件事情:人类只能向前;没有倒退的路。

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