Wittgenstein, L., 1977, Culture and Value, ed. by G. H. von Wright, trans. by P. Winch, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. |
中文意思: 中译本,维特根斯坦,《文化与价值》,武汉:华中科技咨询公司1984年印行。 |
Witnessing the geniality, imprevisibility and magic of Il Genio Savicevic. Dizzy stuff....
萨维切维奇脚法精准,才华横溢,球技出神入化。精湛的表演令人眼花缭乱…… |
Witnessing the unprecedented, unmatched, unparallelled streak of 58 unbeaten games. From May 1991 to April 1993. Un-freaking-believable!!!
从1991年5月至1993年4月,米兰连续58场联赛不败,这项记录空前绝后,无与伦比,令人难以置信!!! |
Witt, S. F. and C. A. Witt (1992). Modelling and Forecasting Demand in Tourism,Academic Press, London.
李天元,王连义(1991).《旅游学概论》.天津:南开大学出版社. |
Wittgenstein has devoted his whole life to clarifying the metaphysical fallacies through a study of language.
维特根斯坦一生致力于通过对语言的探究来澄清形而上学的谬误。 |
Wittgenstein have roughly two steps for anti-private language argument, the first step rely on anti-ostensive definition, and the second step is crux of argument, and rely on distinguishing private language and public language.
摘要维特根斯坦的反私人语言论证分两个步骤来进行,第一步依赖于反直指定义,而关键性的第二步则以对私人语言与公共语言的区分为前提。 |
Wittgenstein, L., 1977, Culture and Value, ed. by G. H. von Wright, trans. by P. Winch, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
中译本,维特根斯坦,《文化与价值》,武汉:华中科技咨询公司1984年印行。 |
Witticisms display the power of mind over circumstance, dicta purport to offer a timeless absolute truth recently discovered, and aphorisms gesture to mysteries that, the more we explore them, grow still more mysterious.
妙语展现心灵超脱于环境之上的力量;名言则提供晚近发现的永恒绝对真理;而格言展示出奥秘,愈深究其意义,它们愈发神秘。 |
Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world.
妙语、座右铭、名言、谚语及格言等各自展现不同领域。 |
Wives are young men's mistresses ,companions for middle age ,and old man's nurses .
妻子是年轻时的情人,中年时的同伴,老年时的保姆. |
Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.
妻子是年轻时的情人,中年时的伴侣,老年时的护士。 |
Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men's nurse.
妻子是一个男人年轻时的情人,中年时的伴侣;老年时的保姆。 |