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The chairman of the company,alongwith all staff is willing to create the brilliant future with all new and old customers.

The chairman of the Liberal Party, James Tien, accused civil servants of being callous in refusing to take pay cuts during the current economic downturn. 自由党主席田北俊指责公务员在经济放缓时拒绝减薪是硬心肠的。
The chairman of the board and general manager Mr.Xuchunan warmly invites friends from all circles to our company for cooperation. 公司董事长总经理徐春安诚邀海内外朋友光临指导,愿我们真诚合作,增进友谊,携手共进。
The chairman of the board of directors, general manager and deputy general manager, executive directors, and chief financial officer of an auto financing company are subject to the qualification view by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. 汽车金融公司董事长、总经理及副总经理、董事和财务总监等的任职资格应当报经中国银行业监督管理委员会审查核准。
The chairman of the board of the directors (general director) presides over all the meetings of the company and monopolizes the power of personnel management. 董事主席(董事长)主持公司的一切会议,总揽公司的人事管理权。
The chairman of the company shaped up in her dressing room to praise her performance. 公司董事长亲自到她的化妆室去称赞她的表演。
The chairman of the company,alongwith all staff is willing to create the brilliant future with all new and old customers. 公司董事长李臣忠携全体员工愿与各位新老客户共创辉煌。
The chairman of the special commission set up to examine the use of performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball said for the first time yesterday that he had asked a number of active players to appear before the commission, a move that represents 特别委员会主席昨日首次宣称要求服药运动员提前现身,该委员会成立是为了检查在职业棒球联盟中用于提高成绩的药物使用,此项行动是一年调查的重大转折点。
The chairman of the tribunal asked to see all the facts on the income tax claim. 审判长要求考虑所有有关所得税主张的事实.
The chairman on duty of the UN Security Council changes every month. 每个月,联合国安理会轮值主席都要轮换。
The chairman or vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall not concurrently hold office in an administrative organ of the State; if they hold office in an administrative organ of the State, they must resign fr 乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席、副主席不得担任国家行政机关的职务;如果担任国家行政机关的职务,必须向本级人民代表大会辞去主席、副主席的职务。
The chairman ordered silence. 主席要大家安静。

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