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Abstract: Based on the analyses of the physicoehemical properties of theiron-bearing dust slimes discharged from a ferrous metallurgical plant under Anshan Iron and Steel Company, a trial production of the slime mix and determination of the production tec

Abstract: Based on spline function method,the spline finite element formulation for the contact-impact problems is proposed.In order to get the formulation,the B3 spline function is used to distribute the contact problem,and numerical examples are analyze 文摘:用样条有限元法分析了杆的接触冲击动力响应问题,建立了计算格式,并用算例说明该方法的有效性.该方法充分利用了样条函数的解析和数值双重性及连续性强的优点来构造杆的位移函数,因此可推广应用于分析结构在冲击荷载下的动力响应问题.
Abstract: Based on surface geochemical survey and integrated researches on coal bed gas in Dacheng area,the authors have outlined the coal bed gas field,established the model for geochemical anomaly of coal bed gas and revealed the affecting factors.In ad 文摘:通过大城地区煤层气地面化探工程和综合研究,确定煤层气田的分布范围,建立煤层气化探异常模式,了解其影响因素,为地表化探的应用指出新领域。
Abstract: Based on the actual combat results of the ballistic missile,this paper describes the measures of the tactical ballistic missile penetration and its equipments. 文摘:在简述弹道导弹在战争中的实战效果的基础上,介绍了战术弹道导弹突防的措施与装备。
Abstract: Based on the agglutinative pattern of Mongolian language recording and syllably writing rules of words, a whole word coding method for Mongolian language is proposed. 文摘:作者基于蒙古文黏着记录其词汇方式和按书面音节拼读书写整词规则,提出了蒙古文整词编码方法。
Abstract: Based on the ahievement of epitaxial growth in several Perovskite oxide films,we discuss the importance of substrate temperature (Ts) and substrate material in the epitaxial growth of perovskite oxide thin films.Influences of Ts on growth orient 文摘:在成功地外延生长超导、铁电、铁磁等多种性质的钙钛矿结构氧化物薄膜的基础上,讨论影响氧化物薄膜外延生长的一些因素.考虑到相形成和薄膜生长动力学,在利用脉冲激光淀积法外延生长氧化物薄膜中衬底温度是十分重要的工艺参数.衬底温度对成相和生长薄膜的取向都有影响.考虑到薄膜是首先在衬底表面成核、成相并生长.因此衬底材料晶格的影响是不容忽视的.观察到衬底材料对薄膜外延生长温度的影响.在适当的工艺条件下,利用低温三步法工艺制备得到有很强织构的外延薄膜.这突出表明界面层的相互作用对钙钛矿结构薄膜的取向有着相当大的影响
Abstract: Based on the analyses of the physicoehemical properties of theiron-bearing dust slimes discharged from a ferrous metallurgical plant under Anshan Iron and Steel Company, a trial production of the slime mix and determination of the production tec 文摘:通过对鞍钢钢铁冶金工厂排放的含铁尘泥的物理性、化学性的分析,进行尘泥混合料的试生产,确定生产工艺,取得了经济、环境、社会效益,是钢铁冶金工厂含铁尘泥再利用的一种方法。
Abstract: Based on the analysis and finding out the cause of the condensation of gas,we add an absorber in the system which absorbs condensate,taking the mixture of cocker gasoline-diesel as the medium and accomplish the separating and recovering of conde 文摘:在分析和查找瓦斯凝液成因的基础上,通过增设吸收塔等技术措施,以焦化汽柴油为介质吸收凝液,实现了瓦斯中凝液的分离和回收,在炼油厂低压瓦斯利用上收到了良好效果,为熄灭火炬创造了条件。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of technical level of Mo metallurgy andprocessing industry,suggestions are given on the basic research items and the popularization and future application. 文摘:在分析我国钼冶炼、加工业技术水平的基础上,对应重点开展的几项基础研究及推广应用工作提出了建议。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the wetpurification of the flue gs with high temperature and the working principle of an induced fan, this paper researched and discussed the selection of the induced fan in a negative pressure sys 文摘:本文通过高温烟气湿式净化特性与引风机工作原理的分析,论述了在高温烟气湿式净化负压系统中的引风机选配。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the development process of the Fullirrigation and Nonfullirrigation theory and technique pattern, the late progress and the developing orientation in the future were stated in this article. 文摘:本文以充分灌溉理论和节水灌溉理论及相应技术模式的发展历程分析为基础,通过对四种节水灌溉理论及相应技术模式的对比分析,初步分析了节水灌溉理论及相应技术模式的最新进展和未来的发展方向。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the main failures discovered in pavement on steel deck plate and the demanding service condition of the pavement on steel deck,high-temperature rutting test,low-temperature bending test and controlled stress flexural fat 文摘:在分析钢桥面铺装层主要病害和特殊工作环境的前提下,分别采用高温车辙试验、低温小梁弯曲试验和控制应力小梁弯拉疲劳试验,研究了不同环氧树脂掺量下的环氧树脂改性沥青混合料的高温稳定性、低温抗裂性和抗疲劳性能.试验结果表明:环氧树脂对这3个方面都有很大的改进效果,但改性效果和树脂的添加量并不是一个无限递增的关系,当添加量超过一定数值以后,改性的效果将趋于平稳.最后就高温、低温、疲劳3个方面分别提出环氧树脂添加量为20﹪,30﹪,30﹪的建议值.

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