There are Tri-State Rail System trains leaving every half hour for the city.
三州铁路系统开往这个城市的火车每半个小时一班。 |
There are Ye Jianying former residence and memorial museum, Lingguang Monastery of ancient monastery in original millennium mainly in the scenic spot, the Chinese and Western typical building unites the sweet-smelling floor , Hakkas enclose dragon room, T
旅游景点主要有叶剑英故居及纪念馆,原有千年古刹灵光寺,中西合璧的典型建筑“联芳楼”,客家围龙屋,还有近期崛起的三高农业与旅游相结合的雁南飞茶田度假山庄、雁鸣湖旅游度假村和作家庄园。 |
There are a couple of ferries still operating in the area and we came upon one.
仍有两艘渡轮在这地区营运,我们看到这一艘. |
There are a couple of options: an OS puts out a new patch; a software vendor auto-updates its application; a new in-house application gets pushed out; a user builds their own macro.
现在有几种更新方法:操作系统发布新的补丁;软件开发商自动更新应用程序;新的内部应用程序分发出去;用户创建自己的宏。 |
There are a couple of possibilities.
有很多种可能性。 |
There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.
亨利的盒子里有一打鸡蛋。 |
There are a few books about social science.
有几本关于社会科学的书。 |
There are a few databases, however, that provide full content .
然而有些数据库可提供全部内容。 |
There are a few differences in grammar.
在语法上有一些差别。 |
There are a few dozen columns.
这样就会得到若干列。 |
There are a few folk art groups in Hongcun Village of Yixian County, who give drama shows in farmers' courtyards from time to time, to amuse farmers and publicize local traditional folk arts to visitors as well.
在安徽黟县宏村等地活跃着不少民间文艺团体,经常在农家庭院进行表演,自娱自乐同时也向游人展示了地方传统曲艺的魅力。 |