If we have to differentiate text hyperlinks from other text, should this be done with colour or formatting such as underlining/emboldening?
如果我们需要在一个文本中区分不同的文字链接,我们应该对超链接的部分使用不同于普通文本的颜色,或者对超链的文字加上下划线,或者加粗。 |
If we have to sacrifice some rights to protect some other rights, we can take some necessity measures (include sacrifice somebody's life when in special time), and the law should nut give any penalty on these measures.
因此,特定情形下不得不采取的侵害他人利益(包括及其特定情形下牺牲他人生命)的紧急避险措施,法律不应对该种侵害行为追究刑事责任。 |
If we have tried to bar your passage it was but with our songs.
如果我们想拦住你的去路,也只是用我们的歌曲。 |
If we haven't got any money, we can't buy a television. It's as plain as the nose on your face.
要是我们没有钱,就买不起电视机。这是明摆着的事(谁都知道的事)。 |
If we help them to face fear and show them that through strength and sharing we can overcome even the fear of dying, then we will be better prepared to face any kind of crisis that might confront them, including the ultimate reality of death.
如果我们帮助他们正视恐惧,向他们表明通过勇气和分担我们能够克服甚至临死的恐惧,那么我们将能更好地准备应对任何可能降临他们的危机,包括死亡的最终现实。 |
If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us.
我们若徵收进口税, 别的国家就可能报复我们. |
If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.
倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。 |
If we interpret a truth is usefulas a truth is a recognition that can guide practice to success, we can say a recognition that can guide practice to success is a truth, viz. what is useful is truth.
摘要如果把“真理是有用的”这句话理解为:真理是能指导实践取得成功的认识,那么,我们完全可以说:能指导实践取得成功的认识就是真理,即“有用就是真理”。 |
If we introduced the Lord's Prayer,senators would propose a large number of amendments toit.
如果我们祈祷,参议员们也会提出大量的祈祷修正案。 |
If we just discuss it calmly together.I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this problem.
如果我们心平气和地一起来商讨的话,我相信,我们能够查明这一问题的原因所在。 |
If we keep losing money at this rate we may have to close the factory.
我们如果以这速度亏损下去,可能得关闭工厂了。 |