Bush looked at the queen sheepishly. She peered back at him from beneath her black and white hat.
布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王不动声色的回视近乎被她黑白相间的礼帽遮过。 |
Bush made the announcement Wednesday, a day after Republicans lost midterm elections.
他承认许多美国人因为伊拉克进程的缓慢而投票表示他们的不满。 |
Bush made the comment today (Wednesday) during a news conference at the White House.
他提到一个月来有93名美军军人和300名伊拉克安全部队成员在伊拉克被打死。 |
Bush made the comments at crucial time in efforts to restart the negotiation on a world trade agreement.
为什么我们不把自己放在一个我们可以卖给他们货物和服务的位置上呢。 |
Bush met with Tibet's exiled spiritual leader at the White House.
星期三,布什总统在白宫会见了西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛。 |
Bush met with several of his top advisers for a second day in a row.
布什和他的几个高级顾问连续第二天开会。 |
Bush paid his own fulsome tribute to Blair last Friday, after the British leader announced his departure.
布莱尔首相宣布即将离任之后,布什于上周五向他表达了自己“由衷”的敬意。 |
Bush plans to deliver a speech from the Oval Office tomorrow.
布什计划明天在椭圆形办公室发表演讲。 |
Bush responded hotly to the news accounts, saying during an East Room appearance on Tuesday: Here we are, coming down the stretch in an election campaign, and it's on the front page of your newspapers.
昨天(9/26)在白宫东厅会见记者时,布什激烈的回击媒体报导,说道:“竞选活动已进入最后冲刺阶段,反恐问题却登上各报头版,真是可笑! |
Bush runs out of karma for his position as President in June of 2006.
布什将在2006年6月解决他总统职位的业力。 |
Bush said Afghanistan has make progress since the Taliban fell in 2001, but acknowledges there is still work to be done.
布什表示:阿富汗在2001年塔利班垮台后取得了成绩,但也承认还有很多工作要做。 |