You may find a rotten apple in any race.
任何种族,都有害群之马。 |
You may find it necessary to rearrange your bedroom furniture.
可能你也要重新摆放一下卧室的家具。 |
You may find relaxation through gardening or other grounding hobbies.
花园劳动让你彻底放松。 |
You may find some eager beavers in any organizations.
(在任何机关里,你总会发现一些对上司竭力讨好的人。) |
You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure.
金牛座:本周神情沮丧,更让你感到孤独和不安全。 |
You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass.
对方可能不按你希望的方式行事,但是,如果他依然能完成任务,无所谓啊。 |
You may find that there are many metering modes, especially for those built in meters.
你会发觉在反射式测光錶中,有多个测光模式可给选择,尤其是内置于相机的光錶。 |
You may find the following form useful for concluding the case study with the students.
你可能会发现要学生总结个案时,下列的询问单是有用的。 |
You may find the information you need in the first portion of the book.
你可以在这本书的第一部分找到你要的资料。 |
You may find this hard to believe, but I've won first prize.
你也许不大相信这事儿,但我获得了一等奖。 |
You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
你可以从中得到乐趣,但是我可没有这样的消遣时间! |