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Often, vasculitis is a feature of an autoimmune disease, such as systemic lupus erythematosus as was present in this patient.

Often, these forces will accumulate and create a negative stress reaction. 通常情况下,各种压力累积起来会变成一种负面的压力反应。
Often, these partnerships are based on special projects or exchanges. 通常,伙伴关系基于和特殊项目或交流。
Often, this is used to make appliances appear to talkor wall outlets appear to be sending radio frequency signals, or strong radio interference will be found to emanate from a point in mid air. 这常常使设备好像是在“谈话”,或墙缝处好像在“传送无线电频率信号”,或强大的无线电干扰会被发现仿佛是来自于空中任何一处。
Often, this link to reality does not extend to the underlying structure. 通常,这种与真实性的联系并不会延展到基本结构。
Often, this waste is hazardous and dangerous to both nature and human life. 通常,这种垃圾对自然环境和人类本身都是有害且危险的。
Often, vasculitis is a feature of an autoimmune disease, such as systemic lupus erythematosus as was present in this patient. 通常,血管炎是自身免疫性疾病的特征性表现,如本例病人就患有系统性红斑狼疮。
Often, we find that they do not have a cleanroom that will meet the needs of their product, and fixing a cleanroom can be more costly than building it correctly in the first place. 我们经常发现他们的洁净室不能满足他们产品的需要,而且,调整洁净室可能比一开始就正确地建造更昂贵。
Often, when we feel we don't have the time, energy or resources, it seems better to put off taking action or to take no action at all rather than risk being imperfect. 往往,当我们感觉没有时间,能力或者资源,似乎将行动拖延或毫无行动就成了要比冒险不完美要更好。
Often, you have to play many matches per day. 通常,每一天你不得不打很多比赛。
Often, you will configure the page in some way before returning the page (examples below). 通常,你将会在返回页面前以某种方式配置页面(举例如下)。
Often,when we are at our most vulnerable,we are in need of reassurance,comfort or a gentle helping hand. 在最脆弱的时候,我们往往需要别人的鼓励和安慰,或者是能给我们以帮助的温暖的手.

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