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Basic function : heat source is anti-blast infrared-tube made of microcrystal quartz;,continuosly variable mattress tilt,radiant head can two-directory rotate on horizon, X-ray cassette shelf under infant bed ;high-bright erdiate lamp detect lightness;adv

Basic emotions, such as fear, are regulated in part of the brain called the limbic system. 诸如恐惧之类的基本情绪在人脑的部分区域―人脑边缘系统-中得到了控制。
Basic encryption is used in the transmission of data from one party to another. 加密最基本的应用是加密从一方发送至另一方的数据,以确保数据传送的安全性。
Basic english skill &driving skill is perferment. 具有基本的英语技能和驾驶技能。
Basic equipment is affordable (8), and once a surfer buys his board, all he need is some waves! 冲浪的基本设备相对来说还是可以买得起的,一旦冲浪手买好了必备的工具,等待的就是那些惊涛骇浪了。
Basic forms: XYQ Tan Tui, 5 elements form, Continuous advancing and retreating, 4 seizes, 8 characters, 17 forms, Mixed forms and others. 三、基本套路:形意弹腿十二趟,左右五行连环,进退连环,左右四把>捶,八字功,十七势,杂势捶等。
Basic function : heat source is anti-blast infrared-tube made of microcrystal quartz;,continuosly variable mattress tilt,radiant head can two-directory rotate on horizon, X-ray cassette shelf under infant bed ;high-bright erdiate lamp detect lightness;adv 基本配置:采用了防爆型微晶石英红外管作辐射热源,婴儿床斜倾角度有级可调,辐射头可在水平位置上双向随意转动,婴儿床下内设有X光暗盒架,检查照明采用高照度射灯,温度控制系统采用先进的计算机控制,自动加热方式,设定温度和实际温度分屏显示,有四种声光报警功能(温度上下偏差、传感器、断电、超温)。
Basic function,and add two Phototherapy(blue light)unit,LED display timer,display treatment time and total time. 在基本配置上:增加双蓝光治疗装置,LED数显计时器,显示治疗时间和累计时间。
Basic function,and add:Phototherapy(blue light)unit,LED display timer,display treatment time and total time. 在基本配置上:增加蓝光治疗装置,LED数显计时器,显示治疗时间和累计时间。
Basic function: heat source is anti-blast infrared-tube made of microcrystal quartz; continuously variable mattress tilt, radiant head can two-directory rotate on horizon , X-ray cassette shelf under infant bed; high-bright eradiate lamp detect lightness; 基本配置:采用了防爆型微晶石英红外管作辐射热源,婴儿床倾斜度有级可调,辐射头可在水平位置上双向随意转动,婴儿床下内设有X光暗盒架,检查照明采用高照度射灯,温度控制系统采用先进的计算机控制,自动加热方式,设定温度和实际温度分屏显示,有四种声光报警功能(温度上下偏差、传感器、断电、超温)。
Basic highlight added where hair is most prominent. 在头发最突出的部位大致的添加高光。
Basic individual qualities include shooting accuracy (marksmanship), balance, concentration, coordination, good nerves and a sense of timing. 射击运动员的个人基本素质包括射击的精确性,平衡,注意力集中,协调,心理稳定和时间感觉。

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