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If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town.

If anyone starts fault-finding or chewing the fat he is immediately scolded. 如果有人挑毛病或发牢骚,他就会马上受到申斥。
If anyone thinks he can do this job any better, he's welcome to it/to try! 谁要是能把这件事做得更好, 谁就来做[试试]!
If anyone thinks himself to be religious and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this one's religion is vain. 26若有人自以为是虔敬的,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺骗自己的心,这人的虔敬是虚空的。
If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. 雅1:26若有人自以为虔诚、却不勒住他的舌头、反欺哄自己的心、这人的虔诚是虚的。
If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable. 9转耳不听律法的,他的祈祷也为可憎。
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 14凡不接待你们,不听你们话的人,你们离开那家,或是那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去。
If anyone will study the causes of retarded recuperation in Europe, he will find much of it due to the stifling of private initiative on one hand, and overloading of the Government with business on the other. 如果有人研究一下欧洲复原迟缓的原因,他将发现主要是由于一方面扼杀了私人的积极性,另一方面政府经营管理的担子太重。
If anyone you know lived during World War II, ask them if they remember the Lend-Lease Act. 如果你认识经历过第二次世界大战的人,问问他们记不记得这项贷款租赁法案。
If anything can go wrong, it will. 如果事情还能更糟的话,它会的。
If anything concerned, please look for me in our office at dock. 有事的话,请到码头值班室找我。
If anything goes wrong, don't blame me. 如果出了什麽差错,不要怪我。

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