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The biggest hurdle, however, may be the Democrats' reluctance to co-operate with Mr Bush.

The biggest export market is Syria. 中国最大的汽车出口市场是叙利亚。
The biggest floating Formula 1 car in the world arriving in the Rotterdam harbor. 世界上最大的水上一级方程式赛车到达鹿特丹海港。
The biggest fuel savings achieved by a full hybrid vehicle derives from regenerative braking, a technology that captures as electrical power much of the energy normally lost as frictional heat. 高量级混合车最大的省油关键来自再生制动(煞车)技术,这种技术可捕集摩擦热(通常几乎散失掉的能量)并转变成电力。
The biggest happiness in life is realizing self-transcendence. 人生最大的幸福是实现对自我的超越。
The biggest headache (and performance drain) in the program as it is currently written is the regular expression, which is required because you have no other way of breaking down a Roman numeral. 现在写的这个程序中最令人头痛(颇有绞尽脑汁之感性能负担)的是正则表达式,由于没有其他方法来处理罗马数字使得它成了必须它是必需的,因为没有其它方法来处理罗马数字。
The biggest hurdle, however, may be the Democrats' reluctance to co-operate with Mr Bush. 但是目前最大的障碍是民主党不愿意与布什总统合作。
The biggest hurdle: moving the massive military machine across the desert. 目前最大的障碍是:如何把笨重的军事装备运送过沙漠。
The biggest ice cream sundae in history was made in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 1988, and weighed in at over 24 tons. Think you can't order that in an ice cream parlor2! 历史上最大的圣代冰淇淋(表层有榨碎的水果、核果或果汁等的冰淇淋)于1988年在加拿大阿尔伯达省的埃德蒙顿诞生,重达24吨。想想你是不可能在冰淇淋店里买到它的喔!
The biggest immediate effect was the blackout of high-frequency voice-radio communications for planes flying far northern routes. 太阳磁暴最严重的直接影响是北部航线飞机的高频声波通讯系统会发生中断。
The biggest increase continued to be in China's bottlenecked industries, such as coal, oil production and railway transport. 巨大的增长继续成为中国工业的瓶颈,比如煤,油产量和铁路运输。
The biggest increases in inequality were in China, Nepal and Cambodia (see chart 1). 收入不平等程度加剧最严重的是中国、尼泊尔和柬埔寨(见图表一)。

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