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Business have weak willed of environmental protection and are short of green economic concept.

Burglar design of residential window 住宅窗口的防盗设计
Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor Buschke-Lowenstein瘤的研究现状
Buschke-Loweustein tumor(report of cases) Ruschke-Lowenstein瘤(附六例报告)
Business Scooter with a Roof 业务用顶棚小型摩托车
Business and Patents 企业如何在“专利战”中趋利避害?
Business have weak willed of environmental protection and are short of green economic concept. 企业环保意识薄弱,绿色经济观念缺乏,认证意识不强。
Business reengineering is the integration of previous process management, organization management and the effect of information technology on organization management theory, which regards the process as an integrated platform. 企业再造工程是对前人关于流程管理思想、组织管理思想以及信息技术对组织影响管理理论的一种集成,并把企业流程作为集成平台。
Buss[8] developed the first fixed-parameter tractable algorithm of running time O(kn + kkk+)for the problem, which was later improved toO(kn + k k)by Downey and Fellows[9]. Buss提出了第一个固定参数算法,并证明了该算法的运行时间复杂度为O(kn+~kk~(k+))[8],该算法的时间复杂度随后被Downey和Pellows改进为O(An+~kk~)[9]。
But , protecting interest of the public is only a pretext, it is the insurance enterprise whose interest has really got protected. 但事实上,它以保护“公众利益”为借口,保护的却是保险企业的利益。
But 8. % had the habit of patronizing the peddler. 有 8. %的学生在调查前周内光顾过街边小摊。
But to 8 weeks from the end of the treatment course, better therapeutic effect was noted in group B (P<0.0), with higher rate of negative Malassezia furfur findings (P<0.0). 治疗结束~8周后,B组疗效高于A组,有显著性差异(P<0.0),且B组真菌学检查马拉色菌转阴率高于A组(P<0.0)。

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