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The inaccessibility of this remote region, now called Amazonia, meant that long-held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best.

The in-group conflict among roller skaters was investigated with responders' attitudes toward various types of roller skaters encountered and their perceived conflict in terms of the 16 interference items; skill level was investigated with self-reported s 本研究之内团体冲突是调查受访者在遭遇各类直排轮活动参与者时之态度,以及受访者针对16项直排轮内团体冲突项目所知觉到的冲突程度;活动技术水准是调查受访者根据直排轮协会所拟订之进阶课程内容评估个人的技术水准;空间使用型态乃调查受访者从事直排轮活动时空间使用的主要型态,包含线性及平面空间两类型。
The in-service fiber-optic-cable cut over had achieved significant results since its inception two years ago, in 2004, the cut over time duration for the first-class backbone fiber optic cable was just 5% of that in 2001. 光缆带业务割接技术推广2年来取得显著成果,2004年一级光缆干线光缆割接总时长仅为2001年割接时长的5%。
The in_array() function searches an array for a specific value. 函数的作用是:在数组中搜索指定的值。
The in_cavity residual stress in first principal direction result shows the forces left in the part after ejection in the orientation direction. 第一方向残余应力?产品顶出时在配向方向上的残余在产品中的力。
The inability to read and write. A general term of being ignorant and uneducated. 没有读写能力;泛指没有知识,未受教育。
The inaccessibility of this remote region, now called Amazonia, meant that long-held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best. 而现在称为亚马逊流域的这个偏远地区难以进入,也意味著长期以来关于早期河流与周围森林的理论,顶多是靠推测的。
The inactivation rate depends directly on exposure temperature (37, 39), and it is important to investigate a method of protein stabilization and to estimate the shelf-life of the strip, i.e., the duration for maintaining 90% of the initial activity. 失活速度直接决定于暴露的温度,因而研究稳定蛋白的方法和测量免疫条的货架寿命,即保持最初活性90%的持续时间,是很重要的。
The inanimate objects were not changed; but the living things had altered past recognition. 无生命的东西依旧,有生命的东西已面目全非。
The inaugural 2005 initiative, which benefited 1,000 women, was the first cervical cancer screening program in rural Mongolia. 该计画于2005年开始进行,协助了1千名妇女,这是蒙古乡区前所未有的癌症筛检活动。
The inaugural ceremony for the Harting Group's Asia-Pacific Research and Production Center was held on July 14th at the Technological Innovation Beach. 雅迫科技集团将在珠海设立其亚太区的研发制造中心,投资揭幕仪式14日在科技创新海岸举行。
The inaugural session closed at17:10 local. 开幕式在当地时间下午5点10分结束。

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