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By contrast, when terrorists attempted to blow up India's parliament building in Delhi in December 2001, the then government, led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, mobilised for all-out war against Pakistan, sending hundreds of thousands of

By contrast, the world's other big economic regions grew less robustly, with Japan's economy up only two percent and Europe less. 跟美国经济相比,世界其他经济大国的增长率就不大令人满意了,尤其是日本经济只增长了2%,欧洲的表现则更差。
By contrast, there are some similarity on size and thickness of exine. 与此同时,这7种珠藓科植物的孢子在大小、外壁厚度等方面表现出较大的相似性。
By contrast, there was no significant eidence to support earlier reports of an anti-blepharospasm effect for cigarette smoking, according to a paper in the June 19th online issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 作为对照,依据神经病学、神经外科学与精神病学杂志6月19日的一篇论文,没有明显证据支持早先报道的吸烟的抗睑痉挛作用。
By contrast, those studying the proteome have been selfeffacing, which is why the news is not full of their antics. 与之相反,研究蛋白质组的科学家一直以来都不愿意抛头露面,这也是他们的工作没有被全面报道的原因。
By contrast, vertical brand stretching involves a change in product formulae, packaging and pricing to reach a wider range of customers. 相反,纵向品牌延伸包括改变产品的配方、包装和定价,以接近更多顾客。
By contrast, when terrorists attempted to blow up India's parliament building in Delhi in December 2001, the then government, led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, mobilised for all-out war against Pakistan, sending hundreds of thousands of 与此相反,在2001年12月当恐怖分子企图炸毁印度新德里国会大楼之时,由印度教民族主义者印度人民党领导的前政府动员全国进行一场针对巴基斯坦的全面战争,向边界派遣了大量军队。
By contrast,he was best student. 相比之下,他是最好的学生。
By contrasting and analyzing the on-the-spot technical statistics data of forty-nine matches for the first four teams of men's group, Huaqiao University, Shantou University, Jimei University and Zhejiang University, in the 8-th CUBA League Basketball Matc 摘要对第八届CUBA篮球联赛(东南赛区)男子组获前4名的华侨大学队、汕头大学队、集美大学队、浙江大学队49场比赛进行了临场技术统计指标的对比与分析。
By convention the deputy leader is always a woman. 按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由女子担任.
By convention, you should follow this guideline. 所以习惯上你应该遵守这个指导原则。
By convention,north is at the top of most maps. 按照惯例,在大部分的 地图上北面都在上方.

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