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For example, if a baker wants meat, he must search for a person who sells meat and wants bread under a barter system.

For example, how will industrialized countries provide for their aging populations, especially with fewer workers? 例如,工业化国家如何养活他们的老龄化人口,特别当工作者在逐渐减少?
For example, if Giant Rat'seffect is on a Chain and after it resolves the Chain has further Chain Links to resolve, you will not be able to activate the Special Summoned Gadget's effect. 你可以发动‘红齿轮’、‘黄齿轮’、‘绿齿轮’的效果当你通过‘巨大老鼠’的效果特殊召唤它们时,假设没有任何使你错过发动它们效果的事情发生。
For example, if Bill and Mary own a house as joint tenants, upon Bill's death Mary, as the survivor, will own the house. 举例说明,如果比尔和玛丽以“共同拥有”方式拥有一幢房子,比尔死后玛丽作为幸存方则拥有该房产的全部。
For example, if Ne and Ar are both present in a sample, the emission spectrum will contain lines from both elements; if only Ne is present, then only lines from Ne will be seen, and so on. 比如说,假定一种样品包括氖和氩两种元素,发射光谱则会包含两种元素发出的光谱;如果只包括氖,那么则只会看到氖发出的光谱。
For example, if Newtonian mechanics governed the workings of an atom, electrons would rapidly travel towards and collide with the nucleus. 假如牛顿力学支配原子的运行,电子就会快速往前传播而与原子碰撞。
For example, if a baker wants meat, he must search for a person who sells meat and wants bread under a barter system. 例如,用物物交换的交易方式,如果一个卖面包的想要得到肉,那他就必须找一个想得到面包的卖肉的人才能交易。
For example, if a beholder had the Maximize Spell feat and the Metaray feat, it could take a standard action to fire a maximized inflict moderate wounds eye ray that would cause 26 points of damage on a hit. 举例来说,如果一只眼魔拥有法术极效专长和超魔射线专长,它能够以一个标准动作射出极效造成中伤射线,命中则造成26点伤害。
For example, if a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. 例如,如果一个人掉进黑洞,他认为他可以很快到达它的中心。
For example, if a person claims that she can see into the future, we can simply ask her what will happen and then see if it does. 举例来说,如果某人声称可以预见未来,我们只需问她未来将发生什麽事,到时候再看是否真的发生了。
For example, if a program is assigned to generate batch records then it should account for the maximum number of different lots of each component that might be used in the formulation. 例如,如果一个程序被指派能够产生批记录,那么就应该说明在配方中所用到的每个成分的不同批次的最大量。
For example, if a string has two clauses, the clause information has three values: the first value is 0, the second value is the offset of the second clause, and the third value is the length of the string. 例如,如果字符串有两个子串,子串消息(数组)就会有三个值:第一个值是0,第二个值是第二个子串的偏移量,第三个值是字符串的长度。

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