Article 22 In applying for a renewal of trademark registration, with respect to each trademark applied for there shall be filed with the Trademark Office one Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration, accompanied by five samples of the trademark,
第二十二条申请商标续展注册的,每一个申请应当向商标局交送《商标续展注册申请书》一份,商标图样五份,交回原《商标注册证》。 |
Article 22 In the case of an animal epidemic of Class II, the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the local people's government at or above the county level shall delimit the epidemic point, the epidemic area and the threatened
第二十二条发生二类动物疫病时,当地县级以上地方人民政府畜牧兽医行政管理部门应当划定疫点、疫区、受威胁区。 |
Article 22 Manager bribe by giving money or properties or using any other method in order to sell or purchase the commodities and violate the Criminal Law, shall be investigated in accordance with the Criminal Law; if the acts as first mentioned do not vi
第二十二条经营者采用财物或者其他手段进行贿赂以销售或者购买商品,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,监督检查部门可以根据情节处以一万元以上二十万元以下的罚款,有违法所得的,予以没收。 |
Article 22 Medical organizations must be staffed with legally certified pharmaceutical technical personnel. Non-pharmaceutical technical personnel may not be directly engaged in the technical work of the pharmacy.
第二十二条医疗机构必须配备依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员。非药学技术人员不得直接从事药剂技术工作。 |
Article 22 Museums, libraries and other institutions under ownership by the whole people must classify the cultural relics in their collection by different grades, compile files for the relics kept by them, establish a strict system of control and registe
第二十二条全民所有的博物馆、图书馆和其他单位对收藏的文物,必须区分文物等级,设置藏品档案,建立严格的管理制度,并向文化行政管理部门登记。 |
Article 22 Popularization of agro-techniques to agricultural labourers by national agro-technical popularization setups shall, except as otherwise provided in the second paragraph of this Article, be carried out gratis.
第二十二条国家农业技术推广机构向农业劳动者推广农业技术,除本条第二款另有规定外,实行无偿服务。 |
Article 22 Pregnant women who cannot be hospitalized for deli-very shall receive sterilized midwifery by trained and qualified midwives.
第二十二条不能住院分娩的孕妇应当由经过培训合格的接生人员实行消毒接生。 |
Article 22 Realty registration fees shall be charged on each piece, and may not be charged on the basis of the size, volume or certain proportion of the realty's value.
第二十二条不动产登记费按件收取,不得按照不动产的面积、体积或者价款的比例收取。 |
Article 22 Samples required for commodity inspection may be taken, by sampling, or provided by the obligatory inspection applicant.
第22条检验所需之样品,得向报验义务人抽取之。 |
Article 22 The Higher People's Court shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law and of extradition treaties regarding conditions for extradition, examine the request for extradition made by the Requesting State, which shall be conducted
第二十二条高级人民法院根据本法和引渡条约关于引渡条件等有关规定,对请求国的引渡请求进行审查,由审判员三人组成合议庭进行。 |
Article 22 The Municipal People's Government shall set up the city's investment promotion and capital introduction reward determination council (Hereinafter referred to as the Council) together with the city's Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Finance, Bureau
第二十二条本市人民政府联合市商务局、市财政局、市监察局及项目所在地县(市)区人民政府成立市招商引资奖励认定委员会(以下简称认定委员会),依据本办法规定对高级招商顾问、招商大使、招商代表处所应享受的奖励标准、奖金数额进行认定审核;对政府协议委托招商中受托人所应获得的中介佣金标准和数额进行审核认定;对企业自主协议委托招商中的佣金补贴标准和数额进行审核认定。 |