However ,notions of appropriate behavior, like coercion, cannot in themselves produce parenting.
但是,认为合理化的行为,如强迫,本身并不会产生教养。 |
However ABC News, which said Palfrey has provided it with a record of the numbers of calls to her private mobile phone, reported Tobias stepped down after they spoke to him about his allegedly contacting her number.
然而据美国ABC新闻的一份报道,帕尔弗里以提供出致电她私人手提电话的来电纪录,指称特布伊斯之所以辞职是因为相关人员就他联系曾致电帕尔弗里一事约会他谈过话。 |
However Alexander had been already promised to Princess Maria Gessensky, and Victoria then married a Prince, Albert, of the Saxe-Koburg dynasty.
不过亚历山大就已答应公主玛丽亚gessensky和维多利亚结婚,然后王储阿尔贝该萨克斯-koburg王朝. |
However Charles Sedgwick Minot, the anatomist who said those words, jumped the gun.
这是美国科学发展协会第1902次会议上的开场演讲词。 |
However Chelsea have now been boosted by the news that their leader has returned to join in the celebrations following a dramatic win in Cardiff.
但是现在已经有报道说特里已经回到了比赛场地,并且与队友一起庆祝这场戏剧性的胜利. |
However Eriksson added that wherever Beckham played would make no difference to his role for England.
但埃里克斯表示,不管贝克汉姆为哪个俱乐部效力,他对英格兰的影响将不会有很大差异。 |
However God placed a restriction on Adam and Eve saying: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it.
但是神给亚当和夏娃规定了一个禁令:“园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃,只是分辨善恶树上的果子,你不可吃”。 |
However God, through His prophet Isaiah, did exactly this.
然而上帝通过先知以赛亚准确地做到了这一点。 |
However Grist, the local force s Equine Liaison Officer, cautioned drivers that they could face assault charges if their flag flew off and struck a pedestrian or a cyclist and hurt them. We are not trying to be killjoys.
格里斯特还特地告诫那些驾车者,如果在车外所悬挂的旗帜突然飞出后击中行人或骑车人并导致他们受伤的话,那么司机本人将会被警方以蓄意侵犯他人的罪名提出指控。 |
However I cook eggs, Ann still refuses to eat them.
我不论用什么方法做鸡蛋,安仍然不吃。 |
However I heard some amazing Chinese bands when I played here last year putting their own kind of stamp on what they do.
可是去年我在这演奏时听到一些很优秀的中国乐队演奏自己风格的音乐,我于是觉得尽管英国和美国音乐在领导潮流,但每个国家也会用自己的风格演奏。 |