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B The Lama Temple? I've heard that was a very interesting place.

B That's good. It keeps you fit! 那好啊!它使你身强体健!
B That's no problem. 5.15 is booked for your alarm call. What's your room number? 没问题。5:15叫您起床。您的房间号是多少?
B That's true. London is excellent for museums and galleries, too. 对。伦敦也以博物馆和展览馆而闻名。
B That's very helpful. Thank you. 很清楚。谢谢你。
B The Lama Temple? I've heard that very interesting. 喇嘛庙?我听说那里非常有意思。
B The Lama Temple? I've heard that was a very interesting place. 喇嘛庙?我听说那里非常有意思。
B The has already attached to send what ? 有附送什麽东西呀?
B The same for me. I need to check my e-mails and send some. 我也是。我需要看一下我的电子邮件以及发送几封电子邮件。
B Then there is the Guangdong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them. 那还有粤菜和淮扬菜。多数南方人都爱吃。
B There is a lot of rain in summer. But it seldom rains in autumn. 这儿夏天雨水很多,但秋天很少下雨。
B There is the Beijng roast duck. 那就是北京烤鸭了。

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