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The young soldier stood still except that his mouth was moving.

The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration. 年轻的科学家们在探险期间遇到了许多困难。
The young servant is waiting upon his master to have dinner. 青年仆人正服侍他的主人进晚餐。
The young shoots, which are often vary straight, are used for fencing, charcoal burning, and firewood. 所长成的林木非常的比直,通常用作筑篱,染料和木材。
The young should learn from his heroism. 年青人应该学习他的的英雄事迹。
The young snakes are about 16-24 inches long when they hatch three months later. 年轻的蛇是有关16寸长当他们三月之后孵的时候。
The young soldier stood still except that his mouth was moving. 那年青的士兵站着一动不动,只是嘴在动着。
The young soldier was appointed squadron leader. 这位年轻的士兵被任命为骑兵队的队长。
The young soldier was punished for taking French leave to visit his girlfriend. 那位年轻士兵因擅离职守去会见女友而受到了惩罚。
The young soldier, however, was a quick thinker. 人群都很紧张,负责的军官面色苍白。
The young soldiers fought to the last. 年轻的士兵战斗到了最后。
The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor . 那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携.

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