Huey-Kuo Chen and Chung-Yung Wang (1998.09), Dynamic User-Optimal Route Choice Problem with Link Capacity Side Constraints,presented at the 6th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
陈惠国、萧淑芸(1998.12),〝利用混合法求解动态用路人最佳化路径选择模型〞,中华民国运输学会第十三届论文研讨会论文集,新竹,801-810页。 |
Huey-Kuo Chen and Hsing-Pei Kuo, 1993.06, Some Issues in Fuzzy PERT,Proceedings of The First National Symposium on Fuzzy Set and Applications,Hsin-Chu, pp. 36-41.
陈惠国,王中允,1993.10,「非对称性交通量指派模型运算效率提升之研究」,82年电子计算机于土木水利工程应用论文研讨会论文集,页1168-1177。 |
Huey-Kuo Chen, Chi-Hong Ho and Chi-Kang Lee, 1991.10, Recent Progress for Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Development in Taiwan,the Proceedings of the 1991 Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems International Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A, pp. 811
陈惠国,李崇德,李德紘,1991.10,「环境系统管理与决策之发展理论」,八十年电子计算机于土木水利工程应用论文集,中坜,页681-698。 |
Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw would presumably side with Harry as well, since neither is said to have followed Slytherin when he left the school and their criteria for choosing students shows no prejudice regarding bloodline.
赫奇帕奇和拉文克劳也有可能会站在哈利这边,因为他们在斯莱特林离开学校时都没有跟随他,并且他们选择学生的标准与血统观念无关。 |
Hug your children after your strictly cultivating them. Let them know you love them deeply.
在你严格管教孩子以后,一定要真诚地拥抱他们,让他们知道其实你有多爱他们。 |
Huge amounts of cash poured into the market creating a demand for something to buy.
大批的资金进入市场造成了购买的需求。 |
Huge amounts of crop land, animals and property have been destroied (destroyed).
无数农田和财物被毁,动物死亡。 |
Huge amounts of cropland, animals and property have been destroyed.
大量的农田、动物和财产被毁。 |
Huge amounts of investment greatly prompted the economy development in this area with quickness.
巨额投资使这一地区的经济得以迅速发展。 |
Huge earrings dangled from her ears.
她的耳朵上吊着巨大的耳环。 |
Huge explosions ripped through one of the UK's largest fuel depots on Sunday morning, sending a tower of flames hundreds of feet into the sky.
周日清晨,英国最大的油库之一发生大爆炸,高达数百英尺的烈焰直冲云霄。 |