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Lighting of shop window,stadium,exhibition centre,super Market,park lots,industry,office etc.

Lighting firecrackers on the Spring Festival is one of the most favorite folks for Chinese which has lasted for more than a thousand years in China. 摘要鞭炮作为春节的文化符号已经延续了过千年,承担起了不可替代的民俗使命,承载着人们的寄托和感情,是一项百姓非常喜爱的年节习俗。
Lighting fires to create a smoke screen is an ancient ruse in military tactics. 生火制造烟幕,是古老的战争诡术。
Lighting fixture not aligning at fa?ade due to fall-out fixtures and tilt. ABC will study if EFG proposal of shifting the lighting grid would be more feasible. 墙体上的照明设备因凸出或倾斜而显得不整齐。ABC将考虑EFG将照明格移位的建议是否更加可行。
Lighting is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电造 成的.
Lighting of road,square,air-port,dock,station an beach,park. 用途:适用于道路照明、机场、车站码头、广场、停车场照明及海滨、公园照明。
Lighting of shop window,stadium,exhibition centre,super Market,park lots,industry,office etc. 用途:适用于广告橱窗、体育场、展览中心、大型百货、商城、广场等照明。
Lighting panels shall be installed in every structure in order to supply the power source forlighting. 各建筑物内设置照明配电箱,供建筑物内照明.
Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person. 一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。
Lightly brush breadsticks with salad oil. 放到抹了油的烤纸上,然后扫上一层沙拉油。
Lightly coat the marinated fish with corn starch and fry them in a heated wok filled with oil until light golden. Drain and place in a plate. 烧热油锅,把腌过的鱼肉,扑上玉米淀粉,炸至金黄色,放到纸巾上滤油。然后摆盘。
Lightly come, lightly go. 【谚】来得容易,去得快。

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