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A new idea of applying HTAC to MSW incinerator is brought to light in this paper, and detailed analysis has also been made on the thermal characteristics of HTAC application in MSW incinerator.

A new homeowner in North Carolina makes a dreaded discovery. 北卡罗莱纳,一位刚买了房子的户主发现了一件惊世骇俗的事。
A new house of any size is now almost invariably symmetrical . 现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。
A new house of any size is now almost invariably symmetrical. 现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。
A new hybrid particle swarm optimization combined with genetic algorithm was proposed in order to solve complex questions with high dimensions and overcome pie-maturity and the weak ability of local search. 摘要为解决高维复杂函数的优化问题,克服标准粒子群算法早熟收敛、局部搜索能力弱等缺点,在标准粒子群优化算法中融合了遗传算法的设计思想,提出了一种新颖的混合粒子群算法。
A new icon means a new cult. 一个新的偶像就意味一种新的潮流。
A new idea of applying HTAC to MSW incinerator is brought to light in this paper, and detailed analysis has also been made on the thermal characteristics of HTAC application in MSW incinerator. 文章提出了将高温空气燃烧技术应用在城市垃圾焚烧炉上的新方法,并对该技术进行了相应的热工分析。
A new image from NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes looks more like an abstract painting than a cosmic snapshot. 来自NASA的斯必择和哈勃空间望远镜的新画面看起来更像是一幅抽象画而不是一幅宇宙的快照。
A new image moments-Chebyshev Moments-was proposed.Given the moments definition,investigated the describing properties of the moments,reconstructed an image with the Chebyshev Moments.The experiment result was given. 提出一种新的图像矩--切比雪夫图像矩,给出了图像矩的定义,研究了图像矩的描述性能,重建了原图像,给出了实验结果.
A new image sampling method and a device for transmission flow measuring are provided, and an edge detection method based on the semantic weight and threshold selection tactics based on the vision model are used to extract the contour, calculate the area 设计了一种新型的用于传输流量检测的图像采集方法和装置,并利用基于语义权值的边缘提取方法和基于视觉模型的阈值选择策略进行传输带上物质的截面轮廓线提取,计算物质截面面积和较短时间内的流量体积。
A new imaging agent that homes in on the gummy plaques and tangles that jam up the brains of Alzheimer patients has allowed doctors to see the disease in a living person for the first time, researchers said Wednesday. 本周三,研究人员说,一种能瞄准阿尔茨海默氏病患者脑损伤混乱团的造影剂,使医生首次能在患者活着时就了解病变情况。
A new implementation method for mobile terminal positioning, which is based on mobile location protocol and has better suitability and versatility is presented in this paper. 摘要提出一种新的基于移动位置协议的移动终端定位实现方法,这种方法适用面比较宽、通用性比较好。

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