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To my surprise, he refused to cooperate with us.

To my surprise, I saw that some of the teeth in the lower plate were human upper teeth. 令我大感意外的是,下牙托的人牙中,有些是人的上牙。
To my surprise, I ‘ve been one of finalists. 出乎意料的,我进入了决赛。
To my surprise, Jack doesn't take after his father at all. 令我惊奇的是,杰克和他爸爸长的一点儿也不像。
To my surprise, TM nodded his head, even though he was already in coma. 令人非常惊讶,即使他已经深陷昏迷中,TM竟点了点头。
To my surprise, he had a famous appetite. 让我感到惊讶的是,他有着极好的胃口。
To my surprise, he refused to cooperate with us. 令我吃惊的是,他不肯与我们合作。
To my surprise, my father looked at me blankly. 使我感到惊奇的是,父亲茫然地看着我。
To my surprise, only two kids left the field. 但令我惊讶的是,只有两个孩子离开了球场。
To my surprise, she drank up the whole bottle of wine. 使我惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了。
To my surprise, she sings and dances beautifully. 是我感到惊奇的是,她唱得跳得好极了。
To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. 令我大吃一惊的是,那位人类学家竟然被控谋杀。

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