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If this explanation is right, the marbled crayfish will do very well for an indeterminate period, and will then suddenly vanish.

If this disease spreads, the doctors fear that there'll be a high mortality. 如果这种病传播开来,医生们担心死亡率将会很高。
If this disease spreads, the doctors fear that there'll be a high mortality. 这种病传染开来,医生担心死亡人数会很高。
If this dominant gene is present only once, the base colour changes into an irregular pattern of various grades of dilution. 如果有一个其强势基因,狗的基本色就会出现不正常、不同程度的淡化。
If this energy is left unused, the adrenalin will continue coursing through your veins, diverting energy away from vital bodily functions. 如果这些能量没有消耗完,肾上腺素将会继续流向血管,身体重要机能所需的能量都被转移了。
If this examination cannot be done, it is recommended that the puppy buyers be informed that they must determine from an ophthalmic examination that the dog is not affected with CEA before it is considered for breeding, as the progeny of affected dogs are 如果无法进行测试,那么建议购买幼犬的人在考虑饲养之前,根据眼部测试(检测是否为CEA患病犬)的结果做出决定,因为患病犬是没有注册资格的。
If this explanation is right, the marbled crayfish will do very well for an indeterminate period, and will then suddenly vanish. 如果这种解释正确的话,这种凶残的龙虾将在某种不确定的区域生存的很好,随后会突然消失的。
If this facilitates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer. 如果因这种作法出现了伪造的话,受损失的将不是储户,而是银行。
If this figure is correct, it would mean that intelligent life on Earth has developed only because of the lucky chance that there have been no major collisions in the last 70 million years . 如果这个数字是正确的,它意味着地球上的智慧生命(得以)产生和发展只是因为(碰上了)在持续的7000万年中没有发生重大碰撞的(这样一个)幸运的机会。
If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division. 如果今晚这支足球队不能赢球,他们将会被降级。
If this friendship is real, it can stand the test of time. 如果这种友谊是真诚的,那么它就能经得起时间的考验。
If this generation does not tackle climate change, its descendants will not think much of it. 如果我们这代人对气候变化置之不理,那么我们的后代也不会对此加以重视。

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