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It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!

It's long, and well summarized in the Chronicle article, so you don't have to read this. 它很长,在编年史中有很好的概述,所以不是必须阅读。
It's looking more like Christmas than Easter in parts of the upper Midwest in New England. 在新英格兰中西部以北的地区,天气更像是圣诞节而不是复活节。
It's looks a little overcast, but I think it shall be fine. 现在天看起来有点阴,但我想天会晴的。
It's love, peace &truth incorporated for all who seek. 人们只要一点点可怜的爱,和平与真理。
It's low-leel bribery—there's no question about it. 毫无疑问,这是低水平的受贿。
It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon! 真不幸,上午我的自行车丢了,下午钱包又被偷了!
It's made by fermenting corn, sugar beets or sugarcane to produce a white crystal that can be easily mixed with most foods. 它是从发酵的玉米、甜菜或甘蔗中产生的白色结晶体,可以轻易和大多数其他食物混合。
It's made from beef extract and malt, and contains other ingredients designed to tickle the doggy palate. 这种啤酒主要是由牛肉萃取物和麦芽做成的,然后还放了些能调动狗味觉的添加剂。
It's made from silicon, which is normally brittle, but this is flexible. 它是从硅元素中提取的,通常它是易碎的,但这个却有很好的柔韧性。
It's made of high quality steel tubes and stainless materials,light antiseptic,rust-resistant,easy-disinfected,and the advantages are the light can be adjusted freely. 本产品采用优质钢管和不锈钢材料制成,具有重量轻,防腐,防锈易消毒等优点,高度可自由调节.
It's made of metal and wood . 它是由金属和木头制成的。

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