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Malaysia's reluctance to act on the i ue had already chilled relatio with Australia.

Malaysia pour boiling-hot milky tea swiftly and repeatedly from one ve el held high in one hand into another held low, producing a distinctive layer of froth. 马来西亚人泡制拉茶时两手一高一低各持一容器,然后将滚烫的奶茶快速、反复地在两只容器间倾倒,从而使茶产生一层特殊的泡沫。
Malaysia will send its first astronaut into the heavens aboard a Russian rocket next year and attempt for the first time to make the nation‘s favourite hot drink, teh tarik, in space. 明年,马来西亚将首次派遣宇航员搭乘俄罗斯火箭进入太空,并计划首次在太空泡制马来西亚最受欢迎的饮料——拉茶。
Malaysia's biodiesel plants will be operated in a joint venture between the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and several local palm oil plantation companies. 全球去年对生物柴油的需求为250万吨,并正以每年25%的速度递增。马来西亚的目标是占据10%的生物柴油市场份额。
Malaysia's determination to seek recognition on the international stage has already seen it scrape the skies-constructing the glittering Petronas Twin Towers which for a time was the world's tallest building. 马来西亚有心在国际舞台上力图彰显,建造了亮丽的「双子塔」,一度成为画破天际的世界最高建筑物。
Malaysia's plastics sector is upbeat about the current year and expects to record double-digit turnover growth after achieving strong growth in 2005 when the industry's turnover sales amounted to some 14 billion Ringgit (about US$ 3.78 billion @ US1 = 3.7 马来西亚塑料行业今年蓬勃发展,年销售额可望继2005年全行业强劲增长,总销售额达到约140亿令吉(按汇率1美元=3.7令吉折合为37.8亿美元)之后以2位数的增长幅度再创新高。
Malaysia's reluctance to act on the i ue had already chilled relatio with Australia. 马来西亚不愿对(难民)事件采取行动,令澳洲不满。
Malaysia's reluctance to act on the issue had already chilled relations with Australia. 马来西亚不愿对(难民)事件采取行动,令澳洲不满。
Malaysia, how do you describe a male organ in your country? 问:马来西亚小姐,请形容贵国男性的性器官。
Malaysia: RTM's Wai FM from Kuching on 7270 kHz - for the Iban and Bidayuh communites in Sarawak. 马来西亚:RTM的“喂”调频从古晋在7270千赫的广播-服务于来自砂劳越的伊班族和比达友族。
Malaysian Chinese Society Web Site: a web site that provide information, share resources and fight for the rightness for the Malaysian Chinese Society. 马来西亚华人社团网站:?一个为华社提供信息,共享资源,申张正义的网站.
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad stepped down on October 31 and handed the premiership to his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. 10月31日,马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德离任,将总理职位移交给其接班人阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德·巴达维。

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