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He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.

He is off the hook because his alibi checked out. 他已经逃过一劫了,因为他的不在场证明过关了。
He is offered a directorship with Smith Ltd. 史密斯有限公司请他出任董事。
He is offered a job in Canada. 有人提供给他一份在加拿大的工作。
He is often considered to be the father of scientific botany because of his work on classifying and naming plants, which he recorded in his prolific writings. 由于他致力于植物分类和命名并将工作结果总结为大量丰富的论文著作,因此被尊为植物科学的鼻祖。
He is often in debt. 他经常负债。
He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless. 他时常对我粗鲁无礼,但我还很喜欢他.
He is often seen to read hard in his study room from morning till night. 经常可以看见他从早到晚在书房苦读.
He is old enough to be independent of his parents. 他够大可以独立不依赖父母了。
He is old, and so you can't expect him to change his ways of doing thing. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. 他年岁大了,因此你别指望他会改变做事方法,使年老守旧的人接受新事物是很难的。
He is older than he looks. 他比看上去要老。
He is omnivorous of books. 他什麽书都读。

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