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This apartment sure is a step-up from the awful place you used to live in.

This anticlimax leads to most sport-climbing accidents: The route is over,so the leader and belayer stop concentrating; one of them make a mistake, and the guy on the rock ends up splattered on the ground. 此时攀登者和确保者都很容易将注意力分散并不再保持联系,这也正是运动攀登最常发生意外的步骤。
This antique vase is worth at least £20,000. 这只古花瓶至少价值两万英镑。
This aortic dissection occurred just above the aortic root in a patient with Marfan's syndrome. The tear extends across the aorta. Hemopericardium with tamponade occurred within minutes of this event. 马凡综合征病人见主动脉根部上部发生剥离,主动脉向上撕裂。破裂发生后的很短时间内,心包积血和心包填塞接踵而来。
This apart, many Indian astronomers had formulated ideas about gravity and gravitation. 这一部分,很多印度天文学学对引力和地心吸力有约定俗成的想法。
This apartment is fully furnished/unfurnished/fully equipped. 这套公寓家具齐备/不带家具/设旅齐全。
This apartment sure is a step-up from the awful place you used to live in. 这间公寓跟你以前住的烂地方比起来,当然要高级些。
This apartment will do us very nicely. 这套公寓对我们很合适。
This app. can be used to parse and search through a database of bestselling books, or easily modified to parse other databases if they adhere to a specific format. 这个应用可用于解析和搜索畅销书的一个数据库,或进行简单的修改以解析其它数据库,如果他们遵照一个特定的格式。
This apparatus produces harmful radiations. 这种仪器会产生有害的幅射。
This apparatus, which spans the membrane of the entry vacuole, serves as a conduit between the bacteria and the cytoplasm of the host cell. 该分泌器横亘囊泡膜层,可做为披衣菌与宿主细胞细胞质之间的通道。
This apparent coincidence remained unexplained until recently: if we hypothesize that methane kept the ancient climate warm, then we can predict a global ice age at 2.3 billion years ago because it would have been a natural consequence of the rise of oxyg 这个看似巧合的现象,直到最近才获得解释:若假定古气候的温暖是维系于甲烷,我们便能推测23亿年前的全球性冰期,因为那是氧气增加后必然的结果。

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