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The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man.

The sopranos sang beautifully. 那些女高音歌手的歌声很美妙.
The sorbent was highly reactive towards SO2 as compared with hydrated lime alone. 该吸收剂对二氧化硫之反应性比氢氧化钙佳。
The sorceress prompts: Please record precise time of your birthday to make the forecast! 女巫小提示:请记好你的生辰再来做预测哦!
The sordid tale of a Wolf and the Goddess who tamed him, because everyone wonders about it at some point. 有关一匹狼和驯服它的女神的八卦﹐因为大家都想知道其中的内幕。
The sore finger was caused by stretching his index and middle fingers apart for split-finger pitches. He did not throw any splitters yesterday but usually does not in the bullpen. 右手食指会疼痛的关系是因为以食指与中指分开夹住球,投出指叉球的关系。他昨天并没有投指叉球,但是他在牛棚通常不投这个球路。
The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man. 疮痛被无知的不道德者口头忽视了.
The sorghum rises blushed, glowing red faces you to smile, bright yellow Gu Sui in the autumn wind, repeatedly bows to you the nod, the distant place cotton in vain, likes the space white clouds. 高粱涨红了脸,红彤彤地朝你微笑,黄澄澄的谷穗在秋风中,频频向您鞠躬点头,远处的棉花白白的,像天上的朵朵白云。
The sorority had a hen party for its members. 妇女俱乐部为其成员举行了一次女性聚会。
The sorrel easily won the race. 那匹栗色马轻易地赢了那场赛马.
The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. 4曾有死亡的绳索缠绕我。匪类的急流使我惊惧。
The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. 诗116:3死亡的绳索缠绕我、阴间的痛苦抓住我.我遭遇患难愁苦。

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