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Abnormal acidity of the blood.

Abner conferred with the elders of Israel and said, For some time you have wanted to make David your king. 18现在你们可以照心愿而行。因为耶和华曾论到大卫说,我必借我仆人大卫的手,救我民以色列脱离非利士人和众仇敌的手。
Abner repeated again to Asahel, Turn aside from following me. Why should I strike you to the ground? How then could I lift up my face to your brother Joab? 撒下2:22押尼珥又对亚撒黑说、你转开不追赶我罢、我何必杀你呢.若杀你、有甚麽脸见你哥哥约押呢。
Abner said to David, Let me arise and go and gather all Israel to my lord the king, that they may make a covenant with you, and that you may be king over all that your soul desires.So David sent Abner away, and he went in peace. 撒下3:21押尼珥对大卫说、我要起身去招聚以色列众人来见我主我王、与你立约.你就可以照著心愿作王.于是大卫送押尼珥去、押尼珥就平平安安的去了。
Abni's flat hat factory,which was best known for its wildly popular campaign souvenirs, formally shut down today as a way to stop the counterfeiters. 替阿扁生产竞选义卖品耶扁帽工厂今阿日正式结束经营。当初想袂到会这呢抢市,今阿日收起来是为著欲阻挡仿冒品。
Abni's website is providing free downloads of his campaign songs in Daiwanwei, Hakka, and Mandarin, as well as computer screen background pictures and games. 阿扁耶网页有提供乎郎掠免钱耶竞选歌耶档,有台语、客语、嘛有满大人语版。搁有电脑耶「桌巾」图片及乎郎蹭耶软体。
Abnormal acidity of the blood. 酸血症血液中不正常的酸度
Abnormal climate and irrational human activities were the major reason of these changes. 气候变化和人类经济活动是导致研究区土地利用变化的主要因素。
Abnormal emotion caused by collateral dysfunction is one of the basic pathogenesis of the heart diseases in TCM. 络损神伤是中医心系疾病的基本理论之一。
Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male. 男性胸部不正常的肥大。
Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male. 男子女性型乳房男性胸部的异常增大
Abnormal genes mutating is the pathogeny of cancer. 癌症的病因就是反常的基因变异。

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