Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer.
飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。 |
Leading edge cuts the front from the the main-voltage sinus after the zero-cross.
飞机螺旋桨的前边缘在零交叉只后阻断了高电压的前峰。 |
Leading families intermarry; practically everyone in the top flight is thus related.
显赫的家族之间相互通婚;因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故。 |
Leading figures from the world's major powers, including the United States and China, will discuss how to speed up the deployment of thousands of United Nations peacekeepers to support the current African Union force in Darfur.
来自包括美国和中国在内的各个世界强国的与会代表将讨论如何加速部署联合国的维和部队去帮助当前的达卡福尔地区的非洲联盟军去控制当前局势。 |
Leading into the complex refractive index and making use of the characteristic matrix method, the photonic bandgap of photonic crystal with the variety of the absorb is studied.
摘要引入复折射率并利用特征矩阵法,研究了光子晶体的吸收对光子晶体能带的影响。 |
Leading of the Power Station,Power Transmission and Distribution Equipment indude more than 50 series and houndreds types product as like GCK、MNS、GGD etc,It is used widely in,Power Station project and power transmission and distribution project and so on.
集团电站及输配电设备产业主要有GCK、MNS、GGD等50多个系列数百种规格产品,在国内外众多的水力发电站、火力发电站和核电站及榆配工程项目中广泛应用。 |
Leading oil executives, including BP chief executive Lord Browne, have said there is plenty of oil refining capacity, in spite of market fears to the contrary.
目前油价仍保持在接近每桶70美元,尽管4月份发达国家的石油库存升至20多年来最高水平,表明石油并不短缺。 |
Leading out in handle or off another animal and long reining are good forms of exercise to impart the action of moving forward in responds to our contact and command.
马受(人的)控制外出或将另一匹马不受(人的)控制外出或者长缰遛马都是很好的训练形式,可以传授向前运动的行动作为对我们联系和命令的回应。 |
Leading political parties expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next financial year, claiming it would hurt the recovering economy.
各大政党昨日强烈反对政府在下个财政年度开征销售税,认为会削弱本港正在复苏的经济。 |
Leading teams encrypt their communications to and from drivers to protect information from rivals but Todt said it was common practice to hack into them.
领先的车队总是加密他们与车手之间的无线电通讯以防竞争对手获取他们的资料,但是托德说窃听无线电通讯的做法是司空见惯的。 |
Leading the list of current problems are drug-resistant strains of P. falciparum (which first developed in South America and Asia and then spread to the African continent), followed by insecticide resistance among mosquitoes, crumbling public health infra
目前有许多问题,最严重的是疟原虫已经出现了抗药性(具抗药性的疟原虫最早出现在南美与亚洲,然后才蔓延到非洲),其次是许多种蚊子已经不怕杀虫剂,接下来还有公共卫生基础建设的崩溃,以及普遍的贫穷,一开始就让防止感染措施窒碍难行。 |