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Humans became lawless and insane and acted out in violent ways in this time period much as the young Arab men of Paris as of late.

Humans are loveable, and detastable. 人是可爱的,也可以是可恨的.
Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellier compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. 一般认为人的感觉比动物迟钝,(1)但这在很大程度上是因为,(2)不同于动物的是,人是直立的。
Humans are out of touch with the land or the dream of the ocean and natural world. (这是因为)人类离开了大地的触摸、或海洋和自然界的梦想。
Humans are so predisposed to worship that they give their power away to whomever they put upon a pedestal both individually and en mass. 人类是如此倾向于膜拜,以至于将自己的力量奉献给任何一名他们个人或集体支持的人类身上。
Humans are the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters. 天生万物,唯人为贵。
Humans became lawless and insane and acted out in violent ways in this time period much as the young Arab men of Paris as of late. 那时候人们变得无法无天、精神失控、行径暴力,完全就像今天巴黎的阿拉伯年轻人所做的那样。
Humans beings are a curious organism, the more ……,the more clear he want to see. 人类是一种好奇的生物,你越是遮掩,他越想看个明白。
Humans born under the archetypal pattern of Truth Bearer have the gift of holding the truth of unity for all to remember. 出生此原型模式下的人类,拥有的天赋是维系统一真相以便所有人都能记住。
Humans bring out the best and the worst of you. 人可以把你最好的一面,和最坏的一面都带出来.
Humans cannot see in the dark, yet millions of television viewers regularly saw green, ghostlike tanks, soldiers and reporters negotiate the desert blackness during the recent Iraq war. 人类的肉眼在黑暗中看不到东西,但在最近的美伊战争期间,电视机前的观众经常看到有如鬼魅的绿色战车、士兵和记者,正在与黑暗的沙漠对抗,这是因为摄影机有内建的夜视管。
Humans erect cities to shelter themselves from nature's capricious ways. 人类建造城市在反复无常的大自然中庇护自己。

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