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WILLY No, you're ignorant. You gotta know about vitamins and things like that.

WILLY A little trouble with the car. 威利:车出了点小毛病。
WILLY A man who can't handle tools is not a man. You're disgusting. 威利:不会用家伙干活的人不是男子汉。你叫人恶心。
WILLY Did you see the ceiling I put up in the living-room? 威利:你看见我在起居室里安了天花板了么?
WILLY I don't play that kind of game! 威利:我不跟你这号人打牌!
WILLY I'm through, I'm through! 威利:不跟你打了,不跟你打了!
WILLY No, you're ignorant. You gotta know about vitamins and things like that. 威利:不是,你没知识。你不懂维生素那类玩意儿。
WILLY That's easy enough for you to say. 威利:你说的倒轻巧。
WILLY Then what have I got to remember? 威利:那我该把什么放在心上呢?
WILLY Then what the hell are you bothering me for? 威利:那你他妈的跟我这儿纠缠什么?
WILLY Well, you don't know how to eat. 威利:那,那是因为你不会吃。
WILLY What're you talking about? 威利:你胡扯些什么?

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