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Daisy took her father's job so that her mother would not be punished.

Dairy products processing : it is often used in processing milk powder ,coffee mate and soy milk powder , to enhance the protein content and increase their nutritive value. 加工乳制品:主要用于奶粉、咖啡伴侣,豆奶粉中,提高奶粉中蛋白质的含量,增加其营养价值。
Dairy-dominated Vermont has a long and storied history of cheese making. 以乳制品业为主的佛蒙特州拥有历史悠久且颇负盛名的乳酪制造业。
Daishan is really a fairyland by the sea. We can made two day's stour around Daishan. 岱山的确是海上仙境。我们可以到岱山两日游。
Daisy and Jack both have a garden. Jack digs, and plants, and harvests good things to eat. How does Daisy's garden grow? 戴西和杰克都有花园。杰克挖土,播种,收获了好吃的东西。戴西的花园又怎么样呢?
Daisy blew these things into Dianna's ears. 戴西悄悄地把这些事告诉黛安娜。
Daisy took her father's job so that her mother would not be punished. 为了自己的母亲,黛丝接替了父亲的工作。
Daisy was a very loving child and took everybody's hearts. 黛丝是个可爱的小孩,非常讨人喜欢。
Daisy was my second cousin once removed, and I'd known Tom in college. 黛西是我远房表妹,汤姆是我在大学里就认识的。
Daisy's cupboard is bare, so off she goes to buy a basket full of food and some irresistible extras. 戴西的食物储藏柜空了,于是她买了满满一篮子的食物,还有特别想要的东西。
Daisy: I've tried Zhongguan Cun. 我已经去了中关村。
Daisy: Could I ask why a knowledge of Mandarin and Cantonese is essential for this job? 黛西:我能不能了解一下,为什麽国语和广东话对这个工作而言很重要?

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