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This farm rents for $1,500 a year.

This famous university is in the front rank of the institutes. 在所有学院中这所大学是第一流的。
This famous writer is engaged in writing a novel. 3这位著名的作家正忙着些一部小说。
This fan doesn't furl neatly. 这把扇子摺不上了.
This fantastic new medium has brought untold possibilities for the small trader operating in a niche market. 这个充满传奇色彩的新兴媒体带来了人们所无法预知的商业潜力,它为小型贸易商提供了用于从商的小生境。
This far-flung outrage took aim at genetically modified crops. But the protests backfired: all the destroyed plants were conventionally bred. In each case, activists mistook ordinary plants for GM varieties. 这些暴行都是针对基因改造作物而来的,但是抗议人士的行动适得其反,因为他们所破坏的,全都是传统农作物。在每个案例里,那些行动派都把一般作物误认为基因改造过的品种。
This farm rents for $1,500 a year. 这农场以每年一千五百美金出租。
This farrowing combination allows the wide players to double up on the defending side. 这种拉线的结合使得两边的球员会双倍地施压于防守一方。
This fascinating one hour special includes commentary from Bill Clinton, George Bush Snr and Mikhail Gorbachev. All will come together to reveal the amazing story of Helmut Kohl: German Giant. 《德国巨人》从珍贵的档案和片段,看科尔的从政之路;更邀得两位前美国总统克林顿、乔治布殊及前苏联最高领导哥巴卓夫,谈谈这位政治巨人。
This fashion magazine is so jam-packed with cool stuff. 这本时装杂志内有许多很“酷”的东西。
This fashion measure saved the villagers from distress. 这些改革措施把村民们从贫困中解救了出来。
This fast drying formula prevents nail polish from fading and cihpping for a longer lasting manicure. 这种快乾的配方防止造成指甲的光滑退掉和缺陷,长时间保持修指甲的状态。

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