GLOBALIZATION is steadily and inexorably knitting separate national economies into a single world economy.
全球化就是逐渐地,无情地将单个国家的经济揉合成一体成为世界经济。 |
GLOBE TECHNOLOGY GMBH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Management solutions, Software products as well as Customer solutions.
GLOBE TECHNOLOGY GMBH是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事客户解答,管理解决方案,软件产品的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。 |
GLOCK GMBH informs you about Metal stand walls as well as about Dry construction.
GLOCK GMBH是一家高效能的企业,该企业生产高精度的金属立式墙,无水建筑。 |
GLOVER : Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said, that Each man kills the thing he loves?
葛劳尔:不是王尔德曾说过人人都杀了他所爱的? |
成分:葡萄果糖浆、水、食糖、醋酸、食盐、胶凝剂、叶绿酸、柠檬酸、薄荷油等。 |
GLV is an English summer camp, a program full of laughter and wonder.
康考杰国际语言村是一个充满欢笑的英语夏令营活动。 |
GLV's Total Immersion Experience philosophy encourages students to take language acquisition to the level of thinking in the target language, independent of their own native tongue.
平和国际语言村,建立于1998年,位于美丽的海滨城市——广东珠海,一个中国南海岸亚热带的珠江三角洲地区。 |
GLYCOGEN a polysaccharide composed of many GLUCOSE units, with a branching structure similar to that of amylopectiN.
糖原:是一种由多个葡萄糖单位组成的多糖,与支链淀粉有着相似的分支结构。 |
GM Canada is also set to announce on Wednesday that it will spend about $2bn to improve the flexibility of two car assembly plants in Oshawa, Ontario, and expand its engine plant in St Catharines, Ontario.
通用加拿大公司也将于周三宣布,它将投资约20亿美元,用以改善安大略省奥萨瓦的两家汽车装配工厂的灵活性,并扩大安大略省圣凯瑟琳发动机工厂的规模。 |
GM also has a separate joint-venture with SAIC, called SGM.
通用和SAIC另有一家合资企业——上海通用汽车有限公司。 |
GM and Ford compnaies' weakpoints on the fiscal mean the situation developed very fast.
通用公司和福特公司在财政方面的弱点意味着,事态可能发展得相当快。 |