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The chubby dog walked slowly down the street, unable to catch the sticks that his master had thrown.

The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. 椰菜和花生中中含有的铬元素有效的控制胰岛素以及血糖的含量。
The chronicle breaks down into four parts 这部编年史分成四部分。
The chronology of Jesus' life is uncertain, as the gospels mainly describe the events immediately prior to his crucifixion and no dates are known. 耶稣的生平年表不是非常确定,因为福音书只是描述了一些在他受刑之前的事件且没有提供日期。
The chroot() function changes the root directory of the current process to the specified directory. 函数的作用是:改变当前指定目录的根目录。
The chubby contest takes place every year in this Tuscan town in Italy, gathering fat people from all over Italy. 意大利肥胖人比赛每年在托斯卡纳地区举行一次,参赛者都是来自意大利各地区的肥妞。
The chubby dog walked slowly down the street, unable to catch the sticks that his master had thrown. 那只胖狗在街上慢慢地走着,咬不住他主人扔出去的小棍儿。
The chunk_split() function splits a string into a series of smaller parts. 函数的作用是:将字符串分割成一系列更小的部分。
The church and friary found an ambitious patron in Ludovico Sforza. 这间修道院受到胸怀大志的鲁多维科史佛札赞助。
The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
The church bells resounded clearly and white doves flew up in the cloudless sky. 教堂的钟声清晰地回响,一群白鸽飞向晴朗无云的天空。
The church can no more afford to ignore the scarcity of priests than it can hide evidence of their bad behaviour. 教会不仅无法在隐瞒自身的恶行,而且也没有供其继续忽略牧师匮乏这一严重问题的余地了。

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