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Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank.

Er Lian Port, Moscow, or ULAN-UDE, each city is OK. 就在口岸,二连。或者是你到了莫斯科,你到乌兰乌德那些城市,哪个城市都能换。
Er Yue He's novels belong to cultural-historical novels.Through the portrayal of rascals, he makes a rich presentation of folklore, thus arouses people's potential reading desire. 摘要二月河清帝系列小说应归入“文化历史小说”範畴,它通过无赖形象的勾勒,展现了丰富的民俗学内容,激起了民间潜伏已久的阅读渴望。
Er and Onan were sons of Judah, but they died in Canaan. 19犹大的儿子是珥和俄南。这珥和俄南死在迦南地。
Er views very definitely. 她非常明确地阐述自己的观点。
Er, let me see, it's three dollar all together. 呃,主我想想看,那是总共3美元。
Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank. 让我想一想。抱歉,我大脑一片空白。
Er, there're noticeable fine marks? 有没有找到明显的痕迹?
Er/ sie kommt aus Berlin/ Deutschland. 他/她是德国/柏林人。
Era A unit of the geological time scale that is made up of several periods, e.g. the Mesozoic Era comprises the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. 代:量度地质时期的分类单位,代由若干时期组成,如中生代包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪。
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 一、消除极度贫穷和饥荒。
Eradication of the Alpine nomenclature is still proving a Herculean task. 根除阿尔卑斯命名法依然是一项极其艰难的工作。

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