Cameroon defender Geremi's fine free-kick was enough to help Chelsea see off West Ham 1-0 at Stamford Bridge and enabled Mourinho's side to maintain the pressure on United, who are just three points ahead of them.
喀麦隆后卫格雷米一脚漂亮的任意球射门足够帮助本队在主场1:0小胜同城对手西汉姆联队,本场比赛也使得穆里尼奥的球队继续与榜首的曼联保持3分的差距。 |
Cameroon forests contain some of the Congo Basin most biologically diverse and most threatened forests.
其中喀麦隆森林包括了刚果盆地最多的生物物种以及最严重的濒危森林。 |
Camilla knew tartan was back in fashion when she visited Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve on Royal Deeside in Scotland with the Prince of Wales.
在与王储出访苏格兰时,卡米拉聪明地选择了永远不落俗套的格子服饰。 |
Camilla was dining with the queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales in the Ball Room of Buckingham Palace.
卡米拉和女王、艾丁伯格公爵和威尔士亲王一起在白金汉宫的宴会厅进餐。 |
Camilla's style has certainly changed since her public courtship with Prince Charles.
在与查尔斯王储的恋情公开后,卡米拉的着装风格发生了明显改变。 |
Camilla, the new wife of Britain's Prince Charles, have spent Christmas with the royal family for the first time, in what British media said was a sign of her acceptance into the fold.
今年的12月25日,英国王储查尔斯的夫人卡米拉第一次和英国王室成员共度圣诞节,英国媒体说,这是卡米拉被王室接受的一个标志。 |
Camilla, the new wife of Britain's Prince Charles, wore a royal tiara for the first time at a banquet honoring the visit of Norway's King Harald V.
英国王储查尔斯的新任夫人卡米拉第一次头戴皇冠参加了挪威国王哈拉尔五世访问伦敦的欢迎宴会。 |
Camille Parmesan, an ecologist at the University of Texas, Austin, and an author of the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, applauds the study.
开米尔·帕尔梅森是德克萨斯大学(位于奥斯汀)的生态学家,也是政府间气候变化专门委员会的第三份评估报告的作者,她赞同此项研究。 |
Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy.
如果要欺骗敌人,掩人耳目是必要的。 |
Camouflaging their splendid strips and colors in the jungles, swamps, bushes and caves, they reside on the top of the food pyramid.
无论是丛林、沼泽、草丛或石洞都是它们出没之所,稳坐在食物链的顶端。 |
Camp is an elusive idea or mode of behavior, acting or \acting out.\Sontag reads it as an historical phenomenon like the notions or costuming of the Pre-Raphaelites.
造作是一个难于捉摸的概念,或者一种难于捉摸的行为模式,发生着或者“正做着……”。 |