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Your secret would be safe with a Rooster.

Your season of singleness is a time to equip yourself by growing in relationship with Him and serve Him 100% without distraction. 在单身时期你们得以与上帝建立更为亲密的关系,全身心地、毫无羁绊地服事上帝,装备自己。
Your seats are confirmed on those two flights. 您的座位在两个班机上都已确认。
Your second assignment will include reading Chapter 11 Tacit Negotiations and Social Dilemmasas preparation for negotiating oil prices. 你的第二次作业将包括〈默许的谈判和社会困境〉的第11章,作为石油价格谈判的准备。
Your second question is about our position on greenhouse gas emission. 你提的第二个问题,是关于我们对温室气体排放的态度。
Your secret appears to have leaked out. 看来你的秘密已经泄漏出去了。
Your secret would be safe with a Rooster. 他们会很好地保守你的秘密。
Your secret's safe with him; he's the soul of discretion. 他会严守你的秘密,他是谨慎的人士。
Your secretary is really on the ball. 你的秘书真内行。
Your self-discipline will not only contorl your emotions and balance your reason,but also be incredibly useful in four highly important areas. 自律不仅能控制情绪、平衡理智,而且还在四个方面起着非常重要的作用。
Your self-winding watch isn't as accurate as your quartz. However it can be 99% accurate. Off by just a few seconds out of over 80,000 each day is pretty amazing. 你的自动表不会象你的石英表一样精确。但他可以精确到99%,在一天80000秒中仅差几秒已经是很奇妙的了。
Your selfishness has earned you this fate. 你的自私给了你这个命运。

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