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The sample of this study came from students of six universities in Hsinchu City by systematic sampling.

The sample consisted of 890 junior college graduates. 研究对象爲护理专科应届毕业生890人。
The sample exhibits noticeable loose color staining onto multi-fibre strip in washing test.However, the noticeable staining may be considered acceptable for solid color garment style if Washing Sparatelyor Washing With Like Colorsis recommende to be inclu 我对这份评语的大致理解是:在水洗测试中,样品掉色并使织物染上污点.不过,如果..............污渍在素色大货款中也可能被接受.
The sample fabric and sample clothing has been mailed out partially. 样品布也和样品衣一起寄出﹐但不是全部。
The sample holder removes easily with four screws. 试样夹通过四个螺丝钉固定,非常便于移动。
The sample holder's Z-axis adjustment makes it easy to find the maximum signal strength, and a safety cover rotates when needed to block the laser. 试样夹在Z轴方向上的调整使其能够方便地发现最大信号强度,此外,当需要阻断激光的时候安全保护罩将会旋转。
The sample of this study came from students of six universities in Hsinchu City by systematic sampling. 研究结果发现:一、就公私部门整体满意度而言,公部门在电信与油品服务表现较好;而快递则是民营表现较佳。
The sample spectra were obtained with the cuvette holder in-line between the fibers. 样品光谱是通过将小型管固定器与纤维之间同轴的方式获得的。
The sample temperature is controlled with a fluid circulator. 样品温度是由一个流动的循环器来控制的。
The sample temperature was controlled by a Chromel_Alumel thermocouple with a precision on the order of 0.1℃. 此次田间试验的目的,是研究这一方法能在多大程度上防止由于精细的作物轮作所产生的土壤退化。
The sample used for the study was small and taken only from one geographic area. 该研究所用样本量较少,而且病例仅来自于一个地区。
The sample was selected from the health administrators who were in the elementary school in Taiwan. 研究者以台北市、高雄市、台湾省以及金马地区全体国民小学之各校卫生组长及教师为研究对象。

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