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A detention up to one hour and the student calls his/her parents in the presence of the attendance officer.

A detectable signal is emitted from the DNA spots where the proteins bind. 探测信号排出的蛋白质的DNA结合点.
A detective catches on and proceeds to blackmail them right back. 一位侦探盯上他们,继而背后敲诈他们。
A detective is trained to take notice of people and things. 侦探受训练留神各种人和各种事。
A detective must be all eyes and all ears. 一个侦探必须眼观六路,耳听八方。
A detector captures each X-ray having this energy, building up an image of the ink dot by dot. 用一个探测器捕捉所有位于这些X射线的能量,就能一点一点将墨迹的图像还原。
A detention up to one hour and the student calls his/her parents in the presence of the attendance officer. 1小时的思过,学生在考勤负责人监督下自己打电话知会家长。
A detergent wets the surface that is to be cleaned and detaches soil from it by lowering surface tensions between soil and surface, both of which are usually hydrophobic. 去污剂可湿润要清洁的表面,并通过减弱污物与表面(这两者通常都是疏水性的)之间的表面张力将污物分离开来。
A determination of six metallic elements in Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss by flame atomic adsorption spectroscopy (FAAS) is presented and its different part in the procedure of water extract-alcohol precipitation and the extraction of total conmarins were st 采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法分别对蛇床子全药材、水提醇沉以及总香豆素提取过程不同部位的六种金属元素的含量进行了测定。
A determination to be better adults than the present incumbents is fine, but to refuse to grow up at all is just plain unrealism. 下决心去成为一个成年人,比推脱责任要好,但是拒绝长大完全是一种不现实的徒劳。
A determined attitude won him the West Ham captaincy in the ‘02/’03 season but his spirit was not enough to prevent relegation — making a transfer away inevitable for the good of his career and the east Londoners' finances. 在02-03赛季,坚决的态度让他赢得了西汉姆的队长袖标,但是他的精神不足以阻止球队的降级-考虑到他的职业生涯和东伦敦的财政,转会是不可避免的。
A devaluation leads to a real depreciation in the short run but has no effect on the real exchange rate in the long run. 贬值导致了短期内真实的跌价,但是它对长期实际汇率并无影响。

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