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Even though you should not like me.

Even though you do not like it, you must do it. 即使你不喜欢这工作,你也得做。
Even though you don't sweet talk me, I still love you. 23你虽然不会说甜言蜜语,但是我爱你。
Even though you don't write in that manner very often, is there anything you admire that free verse can do that maybe meter and rhyme can't? 尽管你不常用这种方式写诗,我想问自由诗有没有为你所欣赏的、步格和韵格可能不具备的优点?
Even though you read three pages per minute, you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend. 即使你每分钟看3页,到本周末你无论如何也看不完这本书.
Even though you say so, I do not believe it. 纵然你那么说,我也不相信这事。
Even though you should not like me. 即使你可能并不喜欢我。
Even though your side is right ,there is other factor need to think over. 即使你说的是对的,也还有一些其他的因素要考虑。
Even though, the future might not be optimistic if the industry hasn't solified the competitive predominance confronted with so many new conflicts. 但是面对诸多新的矛盾,百货业如不尽早确立业态的竞争优势,发展前景尚不容乐观。
Even though, what she said has got the point. 即便如此,她的话也还是有些道理.
Even thought I am the one that proposed for the break up, I still hope to give our love a break. 虽然是我提出分手,但内心深处还是希望给我们的爱一次机会。
Even through all her family and financial troubles, Margaret never gave way to despair. 即使因为家庭和经济发生困难,玛格丽特也从来没有悲观失望过。

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