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LG Electronics had turned to high-end market in worldwide and realized a profit margin of 9.1% in 2005. It had become a household enterprises with the highest profits in worldwide.

LF305A is designed for widely electronic assembly applications. It is a lead-free,mildly active solder paste. LF305A这种材料的设计被广泛应用于电子零件的装配.它是一种无铅,低活性硬质糊状物.
LFG tool has been removed. 寻求组队工具被去除。
LFP is regarded as one of the top leagues in the world. 西甲足球联赛是世界上最高水平的足球联赛之一。
LG Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. had just experienced its biggest restructuring since it entering China 13 years ago. Its business was divided into 2 parts including: communication and household appliance. 这是自13年以前进入中国市场以来,LG电子公司所进行的最大的调整。该公司业务分为两部分,包括通信与家用电器。
LG Electronics Inc. said Wednesday it has filed a lawsuit against Quanta Computer Inc. of Taiwan for alleged patent infringement of the South Korean company's DVD technology. 本周三LG电子公司宣布已经就该公司DVD技术专利侵权一事正式对台湾广达电脑公司提出诉讼。
LG Electronics had turned to high-end market in worldwide and realized a profit margin of 9.1% in 2005. It had become a household enterprises with the highest profits in worldwide. LG电子公司已在世界范围内转向高端市场,2005年实现利润率9.1%。成为世界上利润最高的家电企业。
LG and I departed at 4pm with beers and red wine. 下午四点钟,我和LG从家里准时出发了,当然必不可少的带了啤酒和红葡萄酒过去。
LG is a major manufacturer of consumer electronics, mobile phones and flat-panel televisions. Quanta, based in suburban Taipei, is the world's largest contract maker of notebook computers. LG是一家主要经营消费性电子产品、移动电话和平面电视业务的公司,而位于台北郊区的广达电脑则是全球最大的笔记本电脑签约生产商。
LG: Robert, from Austria, a software engineer. 老公:罗伯特,奥地利人,软件工程师。
LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. LGBT是女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋者以及跨性别者的简称。
LGJ freeze-dry machine with shelf heat and programma-ble control,adopt the original PID indomestic,can accura-tely control the temperature with LCD for offer more messa-ges about freeze-dry to users by the way of curve and digital.lt is also equipped with 我厂新研制的具备搁板加热可编程的LGJ系列冷冻干燥机,在国内独家采用PID调节,精确控温,人机界面使用大屏幕液晶屏,一曲线和数据的方式,同时提供给用户有关冻干进程的更多信息,并配有上位机通讯接口。

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