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A seeming ignorance is often a most necessary part of worldly knowledge .

A sedimentary basin is an area of the earth's crust that is underlain by a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks. 沉积盆地是地壳上一片底部是厚厚的沉积岩层的区域。
A seductive smile showed up in her face. 她的脸上露出迷人的微笑.
A seed borne within a fruit having a hard shell, as in the peanut, almond, or walnut. 坚果种子生长在有硬壳的果实之内的种子,如花生、杏或核桃
A seeker of hope in silence as me, climbed the mountain and looked seaward everyday. 我是个在寂静中对期望孜孜不倦的追寻者,日日我皆会登上山顶,向海眺望。
A seeker of silences am I, and what treasure have I found in silences that I may dispense with confidence? 我是个探求宁静的人,在宁静中我能找到什么宝藏,可让我满怀自信分赠?
A seeming ignorance is often a most necessary part of worldly knowledge . 表面上无知常常是世俗知识中非常必要的一部分。
A seemingly mutual obsession ensues, but gradually spirals downward into a web of desire and misperception. 他们似真似假的互相缠绵情境一幕又一幕地出现,但事实却是慢慢卷入一个充满欲望及歪念的情网。
A seesaw can be turned into a ramp by placing blocks on one end, for example. 打个比方,如果将秋千板拉到某一方,它就可以荡起来。
A seismic sense could help to explain certain types of elephant behaviour. 震动感知能力可以帮助解释大象的某些行为。
A select few, however, are willing to take that risk. 然而极少数人却愿意冒这个险。
A select group of people were invited to the first performance. 经仔细挑选的一些人应邀观看了首场演出。

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