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Able to produce quality software documentation, including requirements specifications, design documents, unit test plans, user manual and technical documents etc.

Able to generate sufficient power for nominal ability, mute have no deformation on each of the parts when stress produced and able to operate stately and easily for the production of highly précised way. 能充分发挥公称力,并且在发生压力时,各部位不发生变形,工人能容易安全生产高精密的产品。
Able to interact well with technicians and workers. 能够与技术人员和员工有很好的交流.
Able to lead and organize team. 具有领导和组织能力。
Able to long term working night shift, able to deal with emergency cases, able to monitor all night shift working staff, at least 2 years international 4 star hotel working experience. 能够接受长时间的夜班工作,有处理紧急事件的能力,在夜间工作时能够监督管理所有夜班工作人员,至少2年国际4星级酒店相关工作经验。
Able to manipulate with the whole set Montessori's materials. Understanding which included “practical life, sensorial, mathematics, cultural, and literacy. 能够操作全套的蒙氏教具(日常生活,感官,数学,人文和文学)。
Able to produce quality software documentation, including requirements specifications, design documents, unit test plans, user manual and technical documents etc. 能够提供专业的软件文档资料,包括:需求说明书,设计说明书,测试计划,用户手册及技术文档等。
Able to provide accurate market information, and attentive to future trends. 提供精确的市场信息,关注未来趋势。
Able to read, speak and write in English. Can understand vendor manuals and Praxair standards and procedures. 英语能够听、说、写。能够看懂设备说明书和普莱克斯标准和程序。
Able to serve as a role model to future hospitality managers. 具备成为未来酒店经理人楷模的能力。
Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement. 在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥
Able to teach in English and Chinese to students and guide them in accessing information via the web and on-line libraries. 能以中英文向学生和教职员工教授如何通过图书馆互联网查找资料。

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