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But it is a guide to how much default rates may worsen even if the economy stays strong and house prices stabilise.

But it hasn't and bankers are coming up with increasingly ingenious ways to offer fixed-income investors additional returns. 但是公司债利率并未提高,于是银行家们提出越来越多创造性的方式为定息投资者提供额外的回报。
But it is Arsenal who have gone farthest in their attempts to write their history into their away kit. 但在客场球衣上书写历史这件事情上,是阿森纳走得最远。
But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to desperate things. 但智慧的特点是不做绝望之事。
But it is a good name for our ultimate goal, honest -- as well as SENS being a catchy acronym. 但是,对于我们的最终的、真正的目标来说,它是一个好名字,SENS也是一个好记的缩写词。
But it is a great line, nonetheless. 但它确实很伟大。
But it is a guide to how much default rates may worsen even if the economy stays strong and house prices stabilise. 但这是一份关于贷款拖欠比率会上升多少的指南,即使经济保持强势增长,房价保持稳定。
But it is a heart , my beloved . Where are its shores and its bottom? 然而它是一颗心啊,我亲爱的。哪儿是它的边哪儿是它的底呢?
But it is a moot question who exactly is subsidising whom. 然而到底谁给了谁好处,这是个悬而未决的问题。
But it is a pity that there are not many that have been put into Chinese. 目前世界上已有的研究笑的专著,比较著名的和有影响的,就有数百种。
But it is a pity that…… 但遗憾的是……
But it is a salutary reminder that the limitations of human senses can cause even competent scientists to overlook obvious lines of enquiry. 但是它提醒我们,人类感知能力的局限会导致即使是能干的科学家也会因此而忽视那些显而易见的研究方向。

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