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B:They are the Regulations on Working Conditions and Requests on Taking Samples for Doping Controland the Regulations on Taking Samples for Doping Controlissued by the Anti-Doping Commission of the Chinese Olympic Committee.

B:Then why do you go back? 那为什么还要回去?
B:Then, what's special tonight? 那么,今晚有什么特别的菜?
B:There's a lot of echo on your voice. Let me call you. 你的声音回音很多。我给你打吧。
B:There\'re five of us, including two older sisters and myself. 有五个人,包括两个姊妹吗和我.
B:These are for one hundred volts,AC and DC. 这些适用一百伏特的电压,交流电和直流电都可以。
B:They are the Regulations on Working Conditions and Requests on Taking Samples for Doping Controland the Regulations on Taking Samples for Doping Controlissued by the Anti-Doping Commission of the Chinese Olympic Committee. 依据中国奥委会反兴奋剂委员会发布的《兴奋剂检查取样的工作条例和要求细则》和《兴奋剂取样细则》。
B:They did quite well both technically and tactically. 技术和战术水平发挥都很好。
B:They may need more support and encouragement. 他们可能需要更多的支持和鼓励。
B:They ran in all directions to seek refuge. 他们跑往四面八方去找避难所。
B:This is Ken Yamamoto. 我是山本健。
B:This is Mr. Suzuki from the Bank of Chiyoda . Could you connect me to the sales department ? 我是千代田银行的铃木。可以帮我接一下销售部吗?

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